April 2018

Start fresh.

Start fresh.

In Japan, ōsōji (big cleanup) is traditionally done at the end of each year, which allows households to renew and start fresh in the new year. A symbol for a new beginning. Commonly, four different words are used to talk about cleaning; ‘’ seiri (to organize, or discard items), seiton (to tidy, or arrange items for easy access), seisō (to clean, or physically dust, sweep and mop) and seiketsu (to maintain neatness) ‘’.

I’m truly inspired by the ōsōji and bring this philosophy forward in my own home. We break up the big cleanup into several different tasks and the whole family takes part. Rather than seeing them as chores, I like to think that everyone is contributing to better and healthier space to live in.

In our home, Spring is a time for reflection, open windows, and renewal of our seasonal family routine. The first dinner outside on the patio, hanging clothes to dry outside in the wind, and letting the fresh air inside.

This Spring, my suggestion would be to follow the Japanese philosophy:

Seiri: Organize, and separate items into different categories that can be donated, upcycled (Inspiration: Upcylce That), or sold second-hand.

Seiton: Store items that are seldom used and arrange others for easy access (Winter jackets vs Summer clothes)

Seisō: When everything is organized and stored, time for sweeping and mopping.

No need to purchase countless products! So much can be done with our All Purpose Cleaner, Dish Soap, Cleaning Vinegar and lemon. Just add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oils for a slight scent.

Here is my favorite recipe to make your own cream cleaner, perfect for the bath tub, sink, ceramic surfaces, and the refrigerator.

Smells like Spring !

Thank you to Boutique Réunion for the accessories.