
''Caring about sustainability is becoming as crucial to me as winning bike races. The Unscented Company is leading by example, inspiring me to take action.''

Maghali Rochette, Ambassador
Our ambassadors

Maghalie Rochette

Professional cyclist

Cyclist, lover of life, entrepreneur...

Maghalie Rochette also has a strong desire to reduce her environmental  impact and take care of her body—the same one that enables her to excel every day. 

So it's no coincidence that our first TUC ambassador is a cyclist (and we have to admit, we've got some big cycling fans on the team too!).

Mathieu Bélanger-Barrette

Cycling athlete

A granola bar connoisseur, Mathieu, also known as Mathos, is one of those people who see every challenge as an adventure. Afraid of nothing, he throws himself into every project as if it could be his last—and we admire him greatly for it!

Driven by a sense of environmental responsibility, he strives to reduce his impact wherever—and however—he can.

Sarah Bergeron-Larouche

Trail running athlete

A trained chiropractor, devoted mother to Nina, and passionate trail runner, Sarah combines a sustainable approach to training with a unique ability to adapt. Her resilience and determination are truly inspiring.

For Sarah, each new chapter in life is an opportunity for introspection and growth. Her commitment to making thoughtful, healthy choices for herself and her family drives her to partner with brands that share her values.

Marc-Antoine Forand

Long-distance running athlete

Marc-Antoine’s life took a complete 180-degree turn with the arrival of his son, Noah, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome. That moment marked the beginning of his running journey.

To us, Marc-Antoine is more than just a runner. He’s a deeply committed individual who’s determined to make a difference. His kindness, sincerity, and determination embody the values we hold dear, and we’re proud to stand by him. 

After several years of sharing his journey, we are honoured to count him as part of our family.

Our stories

Cultivating the art of a healthy home, getting inspired, sharing, collaborating... Our stories—or their stories, as the case may be—offer you different perspectives on who we are as a company. Discover the people who make The Unscented Company.

Podcast episodes that help you understand who we are, why, and how we do things differently. Listen while walking, cleaning, or relaxing!

Fever Talk Sustainability - The cyclist's way
L'état du jeu. Se lancer : Entreprendre avec confiance et discernement
Fever talk Anie Rouleau, Fondatrice de The Unscented Company
The Brand is Female The B Corp Entrepreneur Commited to True Purpose
Avoir su Anie Rouleau, Concilier entrepreneuriat et parentalité